I collaborated with stakeholders to define project objectives. The Evidence Maps tool went through significant design changes the year before the project start, and the team wanted to understand what works and what does not work with the new UX. We identified the following objectives:
• Identify the main usability issues in using the search tool for scientific insights
• Recommend UX changes
I set up the Crazyegg Heat-map tool by using Google Tag Manager to collect the (quantitative) usage data. This quantitative data is required to support the qualitative data gathered from usability testing.
Figure 2: Heat-map Tool Results Example (Used in Multiple Projects)
I analyzed the test results and created reports, summarizing the test results by tasks and issues, in the following formats:
Figure 4: Success Rate of the First Open Task
Figure 5: Success Rate of Users in Closed Tasks 2 to 6
Within 2 to 3 tasks, the success rate of the participants went up. Most participants learned how to use the tool within 30 minutes of working with it.
I analyzed the participants’ responses and refined conclusions of top perceived benefits.
"It is a great resource for evidence-based practice – a lot of information!"
"Love the fact it has guidelines that I can use immediately in practice."
"Seeing the conclusions of the article helps to decide whether to read the entire article or not."
"The Search All Maps is great! It helps me in finding information quickly."
Figure 6: Perceived Benefit: Filters Facilitate Quick Results
Two search boxes on the same page created confusion. After trying the first search box and not finding what they were looking for, participants said they would leave the page. I recommended unifying the search boxes to avoid confusion for users.
Figure 7: Issue: Two Search Boxes for Evidence Maps.
Figure 8: Recommendation: Unify the Search Boxes
Some of the terms in the Results Filter area were not very clear. In addition, users could not easily refine the results by using sub-categories.
I recommended using clear terminology for filtering the results and improving the user experience by bringing the sub-categories closer to the parent category. Thus, allowing users to easily select appropriate sub-categories while filtering the results.
Figure 9: Results Filter Area Usability Issue and Recommendation.
Some of the users took a bit longer to use the Search tool. I recommended including Quick Training Tips to shorten the time of first-time users in using the Search tool.
Figure 10: Training Wizard Recommendation
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Or contact me:
Phone: +972-50-9623607
e-mail: ifat.prouser@gmail.com
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